Explorer view

🔗 Aura Explorer: https://explorer.brightid.org/?aura=aura

Viewing a specific person

On a person's profile, click "View on Explorer" to view how Aura players have rated their honesty. If they're an Aura player, it will also show energy transfers between them and other players.

Energy flows

Players look at inbound and outbound energy flows for players they assign energy to. Players are responsible for the energy they give to immediate downstream players, and should cut off energy to suspicious players.


Players can leave comments or ask questions about a person or group of connected people on the graph by placing dots around a region or node with shift-click. Other players can then respond.

Reasons for comments

Players may want to ask how they can make a connection to a region to do more research. They may want to flag a certain region as suspicious, or ask for more information about it.

Last updated